Friday, August 5, 2011

To manually sync CentOS time to NTP Servers

1. Stop NTP service in CentOS
  • service ntpd stop
2. Run manual NTP update command
  • ntpd update
3. Run sync command
  • sync
4. Restart NTP service in CentOS
  • service ntpd start

Change CentOS IP address

To change interface eth0 IP address.
  1. Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
  2. Run service network restart

Change VMWare Player 3.X IP Address

To change the IP address range or the DHCP addresses when using Windows as the host OS use the program called vmnetcfg.exe.
This program is included in the installer but isn’t installed. To get to it:
1. Run the installer with /e option. For example:
VMware-player-3.0.0-197124.exe /e vm
All contents will be extracted to “vm” folder.
2. Open “” and copy vmnetcfg.exe to your installation folder,
typically “C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Player\”.
Now you can use vmnetcfg.