Wednesday, August 18, 2010

NetApp - Simulator and ESX Networking

This is a known problem with running the Data ONTAP simulator on ESX 3.5 and above.

After installing the Data ONTAP simulator within a guest VM and starting up the simulator, you cannot access (ssh/telnet/http) the Simulator's IP address.
Problems running the Data ONTAP Simulator on VMware ESX


Modify the 'Promiscuous Mode' setting to 'Accept' on the vswitch to which the guest VM (hosting the Data ONTAP simulator) is connected to. From within the VI Client, perform the following:

  1. Select 'Configuration' Tab.
  2. Select 'Networking'.
  3. Select 'Properties' for the vswitch.
  4. Under 'vswitch', select 'Edit'.
  5. Select 'Security' Tab.
  6. Change the dropdown for 'Promiscuous Mode' to 'Accept'.
  7. Click OK.

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